The Guide to Owning a Bearded Dragon

The Guide to Owning a Bearded Dragon, the most comprehensive guide.

How big does a bearded dragon get?

A fully-grown bearded dragon size ranges between 18 – 22 inches in length and weighs up to 1 pound. Adult Beardie’s also grow to 24 inches long including their long tail. The growth is very fast in the first 3 months of life. Ideally, a “normal table” of development would list this level – Level 1, level 2, and level 3 of growth.

During level 1 growth, it grows 1-2 inches per week. At stage 2 growth, its growth slows down to 1-3 inches per month. And, at level 3, after reaching its peak velocity of sexual maturity, it stops growing in length and grows in weight.

There are many reasons that influence the growth of a bearded dragon growth process. In some reptiles, the growth rate is higher at the initial level and reaches its maximum size at 8 to 10 months. In another case, it may delay and growth can be seen in level 2.

Therefore, normally a bearded dragon takes 11 to 12 months to attain sexual maturity. However, some consider it as an adult up to 18 months too.

How Big Should They Be At Certain Ages?

Bearded Dragons can grow up to 24 inches long. At full maturity, they don’t weigh more than 1.125 pounds.

Level 12 months9 – 11 inches0.076875 pounds
Level 22 – 7 month18 inches0.6175 pounds
Level 3adult24 inches1 to 1.125 pounds

How Long Does a Bearded Dragon Live?

In the world of the wild, an average bearded dragon lives for just 3-8 years. Mostly, because of factors like food scarcity, harsh weather, predators, and wild diseases they live for 5 – 6 years.

Bearded dragon lives for 8 years are awe-inspiring because normally they don’t live so long. A pet bearded dragon lives longer, healthier, and has high longevity over a jungle dragon.

A domestic bearded dragon lives for 10-15 years for the quality of care they receive from their owners, as well as a variety of genetic factors.

If you’re planning to welcome a bearded dragon then get it from a reputable seller. The main reason pet bearded dragon lives longer is because of their consistent lifestyle and enjoys the best care and food.

Hence, the life of a bearded dragon is directly proportional to the level of care it receives from the initial stage. Here’s a guide with a chart –

Why Don’t Bearded Dragons Live As Long In The Wild?

There are multiple reasons why a bearded dragon might not live long in the wild. Here are the most common contributors to their short life span.


In woods, they don’t receive high-quality nutritious calcium-rich food or insects throughout the year.

Wild Predators

According to the food chain, the bearded dragon is the natural food for animals like foxes, cats, birds, and Python.

Good quality lighting and Temperature

Most of the time goes in either hunting for food or protection itself from animals. Hardly, it gets time to soak itself in sunlight.

Remember, all pet beardie doesn’t live long. Their genes also play an important role in living long.

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