My daughter told recently me that our Persian cat liked cheese. I was horrified and asked her why she fed the cat cheese? She looked surprised and said she did not think there was a problem as cats drink milk anyway .
I decided it was time to educate her about foods that are harmful to cats. Many people think that cats drink milk and assume that since milk is ok cheese would be fine too.
They seem surprised when they are told that most cats are lactose intolerant. I hope this article will open that eye of many well-meaning owners as I deal with this assumption in detail.
So can cats eat cheese? The short answer is that cheese is not good for cats. So do not feed cheese to your cat if you want it to be healthy. Cats are mostly lactose intolerant and feeding them milk or milk products like cheese can a lead to a whole host of issues including diarrhea, gas and indigestion.
Let‘s now try to understand why cheese can be harmful to cats.
Cheese is not a natural food of cats as cats would not drink milk after they have been weaned. Yes, they do drink their mother’s milk as babies but move on to food such as meat and fish which are better suited for a carnivorous diet.
Cow milk and cat’s milk are very different and notwithstanding the cats also develop lactose sensitivity and are unable to digest any type of milk.
When they are young the cats are able to digest the lactose which is the sugar in the milk very efficiently as do all mammals.
Lactose is an important source of energy at that age. But as soon as they are weaned the lactase which is responsible for the breaking down of lactose starts disappearing.
As in humans as they grow the lactase become lesser and their ability to digest lactose in milk reduces considerably. This leads to partial or complete intolerance of lactose.
When a lactose intolerant kitty ingests any milk product such as cheese the lactose passes through the intestinal tract undigested.
This also draws out a substantial amount of water with it. As long as it stays in the intestine the bacteria in the colon will react with it and create fatty acids which are volatile create symptoms such as an upset stomach and possibly vomiting.
Danger of Sodium Levels in Cheese
Cheese has a high level of sodium and sodium is not healthy for cats. High sodium intake will lead to many issues for the cats such as blood pressure variations, renal and cardiac issue and even on the bone density of the cats as it gets older.
Some of the symptoms, side effects and dangers of high levels of sodium in cats include
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Depression
- Tremors
- Seizures
- Kidney Problems
- Death
In a research cats were fed high sodium foods and low sodium foods for an extended period of time to try and understand the effects on their health.
Cats eating the high sodium food had an increase in serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, and phosphorus compared with cats eating the low sodium food.[Src]
Increase in | Problem for Cats |
Serum Creatinine | Kidney Disease in Cats |
Phosphorus Levels | Hyperphosphatemia is an electrolyte disturbance |
Can effect bones | |
Urea Nitrogen | Abnormal Kidney Function |
Dehydration |
Problems due to Ingestion of Cheese and other Milk Products
Once a lactose intolerant cat ingests cheese, you will be able to know within 8-12 hours as the primary symptom will be indigestion. Like humans, not all cats are highly lactose intolerant and hence the intensity of the symptoms will vary.
If your cat is highly lactose intolerant then the result might be diarrhoea. You will need to take to a vet to find the best way to resolve the issue.
Having volatile fatty acids ferment in the intestine will lead to gas and it can become very uncomfortable for the cat. The cat would have similar pain and discomfort as a human would due to gas.
While vomiting is usually coupled with an upset stomach, it is certainly a red flag for the owner that something is wrong. Usually the symptoms pass away but the owner has to be on alert to ensure that he has help available in case the vomiting continues.
Cheese is fattening for cats and feeding cheese can lead to the cat becoming overweight and even obese. There are cats who are not very lactose intolerant and hence may like to eat cheese often. But this should not be an opportunity for the owner to treat them with cheese regardless of how much the cats pleads. Cheese is not a natural part of the cat’s diet and it is better to be avoided completely.
What to do if my cat likes cheese?
Even if your cat likes cheese it is better that you avoid feeding it any. Suppose your child like cakes, you would not feed the child cake regularly as you know that the sugar and the fats are not healthy for him or her.
You would try to get your child to like other more healthy alternatives and slowly reduce access to cakes. Similarly, you can get your cat to move away from cheese and move to healthier and natural alternatives.
How about feeding Lactose-free cheese?
Yes you can possibly feed lactose-free cheese and it would not be harmful but why? Isn’t it better to feed natural foods that are more suited for the cat?
But online it says a little cheese is not harmful.
Sure, a little of anything is fine but it is difficult for owners to stay within limits as it depends on many factors. Owners differ on what is meant by little.
Also, certain times owners may feel more loving and hence feed what the cat likes. This can exceed limits without the owner consciously wanting to give more.
Can Cheese be given as a Treat to Cats?
This is a tricky question and it depends on your cat. If your cat loves cheese and you have not noticed any side effects from having fed the cat cheese, you may give it as a treat.
Having said that I wouldn’t give that to my cat as I am afraid of the long term effects on her health.
There are cat owners who give cats cheese as treats if they want cat to have medicine or to train cats. I would argue against it and recommend giving some other food which the cat really likes.
Alternatives for Cheese that are good for the cat?
Cats are carnivores and they love their meat. Meat is good for their health and contains all the nutrients, fats and protein which they can easily assimilate.
Animal fibres can be beneficial for cats hence if you are looking for a cheese alternative just give the cat some meat or fish.
They love texture and smell and generally prefer food which is like gel. Give them meat and fish as an alternative to Cheese.
If you generally give your cat dry cat food, your cat would love some wet food. Some cat parents mix in fish and chicken broth ( unsalted) into their dry dry food.